mISDNnotify – ISDN call notification for linux

For some time i used isdnlog from i4l with a little bash script that calls knotify to display a notification. But after my distri has removed hisax modules form the kernel, i had to find something else.

But i couldn’t find sth. that uses mISDN or CAPI for call notifications, so i’ve decided to write my own app.

I found loghex.c in mISDNuser written by Karsten Keil and extended it to show notifications on incomming calls.

mISDNnotify uses the org.freedesktop.Notifications.Notify DBUS interface, which should work on all desktops (i just tried KDE4).
Additionally it can call a url (with the number appended)  and display the content of it in the notification, also it can cache these messages so it doesn’t need to look up it every time.

The build dependencies are glib-2.0,  dbus-glib-1 for the notifications, curl for the weblookup and sqlite3 for the cache.

The source can be found at Github: http://github.com/heinervdm/misdnNotify

There are still some problems, but i’m sure i will solve them.

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3 Antworten zu “mISDNnotify – ISDN call notification for linux”

  1. Arnold sagt:

    Hi, I’m looking for a similar problem. I want to call a program, when a special Telefone Number is called. I want to use it to switch on/off some devices like a pump or a lamp. misdn_log seems a good solution. It seems to work fine, but sometimes two Bytes appear on a wrong position in one of the numbers. It looks so:

    18.03.2011 15:14:03.328193 received 51 bytes prim = 2002 id=00007f00 02 ff 03 08 01 01 05 a1 04 03 80 90 a3 18 01 89
    6c 0c 21 83 31 37 37 34 39 30 36 38 36 02 01 07
    c1 32 34 38 30 36 31 7d 02 91 81

    The 2cnd line is wrong at the end (02 01). The end should look so:
    6c 0c 21 83 00 00 37 34 39 30 36 38 36 30 70 07
    here are the two bytes 00 00 wrong.
    Sometimes every thing seems ok. The both numbers are sometimes ok, sometimes not.

    Where comes the data for logging from? I think, there is a wrong pointer, pointing to a buffer at a wrong postition.

  2. admin sagt:

    i haven’t changed that part of the code and i have to admit that i don’t fully understand it. But for me the displayed numbers are correct.

  3. jferns sagt:

    I’ve been trying to get the bluetooth handsfree profile working on Raspberry pi(raspbian). I hit dead ends with bluez, so I tried to use libhfp instead. the hfp console comes up, but can’t connect to any phone as headset (tried samsung galaxy s2,s3, iphone, htc one). I also merged your changes from your github sources, but no luck. Did you get the HFP to work on libhfp?

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